Play Video

a tale of

Family, chaos & the relentless pursuit of success

The Cast

A handfull of characters

Travis Charles Johnson

Albert Johnson

Ja Rule

Spirit Guide

Kevin Barbaro


Marqi Morgan


Zy’Air Carter


Kiki The First Lady


Thashley Ulysses


Brittany Drays


Tarisha Hicks


Ja Rule Killed It

Ja Rule Killed it. I didn't know he was such a talented actor.

Ryan Cintanni
Creative Marketer

Dope Movie Soundtrack

Movie is dope, that's a given. But it's also a dope movie soundtrack. Finally a soundtrack that feels like a cohesive compilation album, like RuffRyders back in the day. Let's go!

Tony Brooks
Hip-Hop Blogger

Buckle Up

From the first scene, the lead character, Albert, basically tells you to be prepared, this movie is going to be a crazy ride. I still wasn't prepared for what I saw. This movie is incredible. That's all I can say!

Ronald Simms
Record Executive

Modern Day Cult Classic

I haven't had a movie experience like this since the 90's. It's a modern day cult classic. We'll be talking about this movie for the next twenty years.

Jack Mehoff

A Comfortable Cringe

It was the most comfortable cringe I've ever experienced.

Avid Movie Buff
“visually stunning cinematography”