About Hoorah 99!


A down-on-his-luck father, in the midst of a foreclosure and other financial woes, convinces his three high-school teenage sons that their only option is to rob a bank.


Albert’s had it rough over the last few years. His business has tanked, as he’s never evolved with the changing landscape of social media marketing. In spite of his financial decline, Albert still managed to donate $300k to Trumps campaign.

His wife Qwahneeshuh is obsessed with Ja Rule, so Albert blames his current financial predicament on that obsession and things that come with it. All his money had gone to buying ‘Goddamn Ja Rule’ concert tickets.

In an effort to reclaim his financial security, he does what any self-respecting, ambitious Brooklynite would do…devise a plan to rob a local bank. Who does he enlist to help him? The only 3 people that still show him respect…His 3 sons!  Alfonzo, the school Jock, Raymond, a transitioning transgender teenager and Peewee the nerd.

Johnson’s always stick together‘ echo amongst themselves as they pony up the will to be their father’s accomplice. It’s the one solid value that runs deep amongst the four of them.

As the plans become more involved, psychosis sets in as Albert manifests a spirit guide. A spirit guide that looks a lot like Ja Rule, the bane of his existence, the backbone of all his life’s troubles. The spirit guide tries to offer guidance and clear thought, only to be ignored by Albert’s simple mind and humongous ego.  

Hurdles arise, but there’s no stopping Albert as he’s a man on a mission, fixated to change his circumstances. Needless to say, nothing goes as planned and the unthinkable arises. Albert is forced to re-evaluate his values, motives and family security.

Johnsons Always Stick Together‘ is the central theme of this outrageous rollercoaster ride of a crime dramedy. You’ll never see the plot twists coming!

Once upon a time, in the world of movie magic, there existed a dynamic duo named Ash and Ci!. Ash, with his keen eye for cinematography, and Ci!, a maestro of producing and production design, were a match made in filmmaking heaven.

As a result of recent industry uncertainties, Ash felt a restlessness creeping in. His career seemed to be moving at a snail’s pace and to add to his woes, he was caught in a financial quagmire. But then, like a beacon in the dark, Ci! proposed an idea – ‘why not create a movie of our own?’

They needed funds and what better way to gather them than by crafting a remarkable piece of art?

Quick as a flash, Ash brought out an old script from 2019 that had been gathering dust. Together, they scrutinized their bank balances, physical assets & business values, assessing the feasibility of their bold plan. Finally, they pledged to create a feature film so spectacularly original that they were willing to empty their savings, believing it would be a worthy gamble.

In retrospect, they realized that their decision may have seemed rash. However, as fate would have it, it was indeed the most rewarding choice they ever made! This daring venture isn’t for every filmmaker, but for Ash and Ci!, it is their road to triumph!

Ja Rule Killed It

Ja Rule Killed it. I didn't know he was such a talented actor.

Ryan Cintanni
Creative Marketer

Dope Movie Soundtrack

Movie is dope, that's a given. But it's also a dope movie soundtrack. Finally a soundtrack that feels like a cohesive compilation album, like RuffRyders back in the day. Let's go!

Tony Brooks
Hip-Hop Blogger

Buckle Up

From the first scene, the lead character, Albert, basically tells you to be prepared, this movie is going to be a crazy ride. I still wasn't prepared for what I saw. This movie is incredible. That's all I can say!

Ronald Simms
Record Executive

Modern Day Cult Classic

I haven't had a movie experience like this since the 90's. It's a modern day cult classic. We'll be talking about this movie for the next twenty years.

Jack Mehoff

A Comfortable Cringe

It was the most comfortable cringe I've ever experienced.

Avid Movie Buff
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